Medical Esthetic

Medical Esthetic

  • Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

    As time goes by, the skin on the face and neck begins to lose elasticity, gradually forming wrinkles...

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  • Body Contouring Procedures

    Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed to correct your body contour by removing excess fat from specific areas of the body...

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  • Information on Breast Surgery

    Breast enlargement is a surgical procedure aiming at increasing the size of female breasts...

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Forehead and brow lift

Small changes in the brow height may significantly influence how old you look and how your eyes stand out in your face. Many women reshape their brows by removing single hairs. High arched brows give a more youthful look and determine the appearance of your eyes. Excess hair falling onto eyelids distract the focus from your eyes. It usually occurs in men.
Male eyebrows are naturally located slightly lower than in women. It means that men are more prone to droopy eyebrows which also affects their upper eyelids, distracts the focus from the eyes and can also disturb peripheral vision. That is why droopy eyebrows in men cause cosmetic and functional problems. Nowadays an increasing number of men become interested in facial plastic surgery. At Medical Esthetic we make every effort not to raise your brows too high, as that could give your face female features.
Forehead and brows constitute a third of the top part of the face. Classic face and neck lift is actually a lift of two thirds of the bottom part of the face. Forehead lift is a lift of one third of the top of the face. It can be combined with classic face and neck lift or with eyelid correction.
Forehead lift is recommended to people whose eyebrows started drooping with age and whose forehead is covered with deep wrinkles. It allows permanent elimination of deep vertical and horizontal frown lines.
Classic forehead lift is recommended to eradicate serious aging problems in the forehead and eyebrow area. An incision is made along the hairline on the forehead. The surgery takes approximately two hours and can be performed either in intravenous sedation when you remain conscious or under a general anaesthetic when you sleep through the operation. At the end of the procedure the incisions are closed with fine sutures and surgical staples which are then removed after seven to ten days. Small plastic drainage tubes will drain any blood which may gather during the night and are removed the next day in the doctor's office. You can go home on the day of the surgery.
If the changes within your forehead and eyebrow area are not so advanced, you can undergo an endoscopic forehead lift. Thanks to five or six small scalp incisions deep frown lines will be removed and the eyebrows will be raised. We can discuss it further during the consultation meeting.
You can return to work after ten days and you can resume your normal activities and exercise within three weeks. There will be minimal swelling or bruising and your forehead and scalp may feel slightly numb for a few months. Furthermore, raising your brows will cause slight discomfort for the first few months. For most of our patients these symptoms do not cause distress. Your look will be improved subtly, but you will see a big difference. This procedure will make you look five to ten years younger.
Other options
For the lines that are not too deep it may be enough to perform Botox injections (botulinum toxin) or a chemical peel. These procedures are described in further sections.
Risk and complications
Every surgery carries some risk. In order to minimise any possible risk of complications, you must provide the surgeon with all details relating to your health, especially if you smoke, are on medication or have undergone a surgery in or around the area which is to be operated upon. You can minimise the risk significantly by choosing a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon and by strictly following their advice before and after the surgery. Although currently all plastic surgery procedures are very safe, your surgeon will discuss any possible, although unlikely, complications in connection with your treatment.